Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The train has left the station....

Wednesday, May 25th 7:15pm:

Kari has been admitted to the hospital today and they have started the process of induction. This will be a long process, but should result in a healthy delivery. The first step has started and we wait 12 hours before the next step. Kari is doing great and trying to rest.

More updates to come...

Thursday, May 26th 1:30am:

Kari is doing well and things are progressing as planned. Next phase of induction to start in 30 minutes.

Thursday, May 26th 7:30am:

Kari continues to move along, doctor came in and did a quick exam. Things are looking good. Still expect a few more hours until Kari goes into "active" labor.

Puddles called us this morning...we forgot to feed her! Grandma Duffy is on her way over to feed her....the neglect of Puddles has begun, poor Puddles.

Thursday, May 26th 12:40pm:

Kari is still hanging in there. The next 2-3 hours will dictate how the baby is delivered.

Thursday, May 26th 4:53pm:

The Doctor did their last examination and Kari had not progressed as should should of. The decision was made to perform a c-section. Before we could really take it all in, Kari was in the operating room. About 20 minutes later Ryan was born. Amazing.


  1. What is taking so long? Heeheehee...hope you are holding up buddy!

  2. Get used to depending on your family. There are going to be a thousand things you forget or have questions about over the next few weeks.
