Friday, August 26, 2011

Irene vs Ryan

Irene has won for now! Ryan will not be baptized this Sunday and will have to remain our little evil son for a few more weeks. We will reschedule for September 18th.

I think Ryan knew this was going to happen, Aunt Wendy was talking about the hurricane and he just laughed!

Friday, August 5, 2011

We got some sleep!!!

The little bastard.....I mean adorable son was giving us some sleeping issues the last couple of weeks. We had moved him from his bassinet into his crib and that is when all the trouble started. He went from sleeping 5-6 hours a night to 2-3 hours a night!! It was not a good couple of days. Kari was exhausted and I was second guessing the decision to put him in the crib. We decided that we must stick it out and let him adjust. After about a week, Ryan started to increase the time he slept and now he is giving us 8-9 hours a night!! I realize that this could be short term, but we are enjoying every extra minute of sleep we can get.

Yesterday Ryan was 10 weeks old! We took him to the doctor and he weighed in at 13 pounds 12 ounces and 23 inches long. We are still hoping that he sets new family records and grows to a giant 5 foot 8 inches!!


Surprise Bill!

We celebrated Bill's 60th birthday in grand style by throwing him a surprise birthday party last weekend!! Thanks to everyone who came out to wish Bill Happy Birthday. It was a nice hot day and the new pool got plenty of use!

Back Yard Party 60th