We had a great weekend up at Windham. We have not been up there since New Years and, as always, it was a ton of fun. We had Kari's cousin John going snowboarding for the first time and he did great. Jon and Michelle also come up for the first time with their son Andrew. It was great to have them up there....Puddles misses kissing Andrew!! The usual suspects where there: Mike, Gina and Jim Sr.
We had a power outage on Saturday, but no one got stuck on the lift. The wind was so bad on Saturday, that it actually pushed Mike UP the hill about 50 feet.
We also had full video coverage (perhaps too much), with two helmet cams and a Flip camera. I will try to complie the footage and keep it to a few minutes!!
Lastly, we had our annual injury for 2011. Gina took a crash and hurt her knee. The ski patrol had to take her all the way down to the medical center. Fortunately, nothing was broken and Gina is going well. We thank her for taking one for the team and allowing the rest of us to enjoy the rest of the season injury free. She joins the ranks for some injury greats:
2009 - Jim Sr. - broken collar bone
2010 - Kari - broken wrist
2011 - Gina - knee injury
Look forward to seeing everyone up there again soon.
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