Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Charlotte makes a grand entrance

Theodore Roosevelt once said "Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty."  

Kari and I were scheduled to go in for the C-Section on August 7th (a day before her due date).  Our appointment was for 2pm, which allowed Kari to have a full breakfast and let us get all our things together, including Ryan.  Ryan's knew something was going on this day and requested we dress him in his Spider man costume...who am I to argue.

Spider man is ready!

We drove over to my mother's house and dropped off Ryan.  We then headed over to the hospital and decided to park in the long term parking lot, which allows you to park as long as you want for $4.  The only challenge is that you can enter the parking lot, but can not exit without getting a token in the hospital lobby.  The problem: the lot was full!  This meant that we could not park and we could not EXIT! 

We were not alone, as 2 other cars came in after and proceeded to circle the parking lot.  I saw another car was going to enter the lot and quickly drove over to the entrance and beeped my horn.  I was hoping the car would cause the gate to open and I could quickly drive out.  I would then do the same for the other cars in the lot...I would be a HERO!  That did not happen.  Instead the woman driving the car kept telling me that the exit was on the other side and refused to listen to me and entered the parking lot.  Once she got closer to my car, I told her the lot was full and I was trying to tell her not to enter.  She apologized.  Soon after that, a woman walked into the lot and removed her car and I was able to take her spot.  Another person had already informed security who said they would let the other drivers out.  

Once we were in the hospital, we quickly made our way to Labor and Delivery and registered.  They took Kari into a waiting area for triage.  We spoke with one nurse and another and another, answering what seemed like the same questions.  That said, we were used to that and really did not bother us.  We were excited about our new arrival and anxious to see if it was a boy or a girl.  The nurses shared in our excitement as most deliveries that day were known genders.  Within 30 minutes, we were setup in a labor room which had a bed, two recliners and a tv.  We had a good hour before our scheduled 2pm appointment, but knew we would have to wait as our doctor was "behind schedule".  So we did what anyone would do and watched some quality daytime television like "Botched".  It helped take our eyes off of the clock, but also made us realize that there are some strange people out there.

Soon enough, the DR and OR nurses came in and discussed the next steps.  The moment had then arrived and we were heading over to the OR.  I was able to walk right up to the door, but had to wait while Kari was prepped.  During the preparation Kari was given a Spinal Block, which is an injection into her spine to numb her from the waist down.  This was different from an epidural in that it is a one time shot, not an ongoing feed.  The wait for Kari's prep seemed to take an eternity.  While I was waiting, I started to get really excited about the gender of the baby.  I did not have any intuition about it and could not wait to find out.  The moment had arrived, they called me into the OR.

When I walked into the OR, they had Kari on the operating table with a sheet hanging right around her upper chest, blocking the area were they would perform the incision.  She was doing well and we were both ready to get started.  Soon after they started, Kari started to feel burning and I heard our DR say "you can feel that?"  I was not sure what was going on, but assumed that it was something the DR's would handle.  They continued on and Kari felt more pain and pressure.  The anesthesiologist looked over the curtain at the DR and they exchanged some words.  I could not tell you exactly what they said, but there was a bit of tension in the air and something was not right.  They continued and Kari still felt the pain.  She had to be restrained and ultimately administered propofol (simply put, they were knocking her out).  I really don't know how much time had passed, but it felt like forever.  Kari had her eyes open and was talking, but was far from conscious.  I heard them say that the head was out and then they said "It's a girl".  A girl?  I could not believe it.  Neither could Kari.  She said "I can't believe it".  But what should of been pure joy and excitement were now anxiety and fear for Kari.  One of the other DR's called me over to the table where they had Charlotte and told me to take a picture.  I followed her instructions and took the picture.  They then wrapped her up and took her back to Kari, but she was out cold at this point.  Did she know she had a girl or was that buried in her subconscious?  Charlotte was born on 8/7/2014 at 4:39pm  8lbs 40z and 20.5 inches long.

Charlotte Jean Duffy
Next thing I know, I am following the DR down to the nursery to get Charlotte height and weight.  The nurse measured her and told me I should get my family in the waiting room.  In all honesty, I must say that was the last thing I wanted to do.  I did not want anyone to see Charlotte before Kari, but that was just not a practical thing to do.  I did not know how long Kari would be in the OR or in recovery.  So I went up to the 2nd floor, put on a pink shirt we had purchased and told everyone the good news.  Everyone was happy.  Ryan was there, but he could care less.  Everyone asked how Kari was and I said she was fine.  

We went to the nursery and got our first glance at Charlotte.  The first thing everyone said was "look at that hair".  It was a sight to see.  She had a full head of dark hair.  It was even darker once the nurses cleaned her up and combed it.

Look at my hair
Even Ryan wanted to get in on the action and see his new sister.  He did not fully understand what was going on, but wanted to see what everyone was exited about.

"We should leave her here"
I asked Ryan if we should take her home or leave her here and he advised that we should leave her here!!  We stared at Charlotte for a while, but I was anxious to get everyone out so that I could check on Kari.  Fortunately, Ryan was getting restless and everyone else was tired from waiting hours (some were there since 2pm).  I told everyone that it would be best to come back tomorrow, once we get a room and are settled in.  They agreed and left.  I then went up to the recovery room to visit Kari.

It took almost an hour to get Kari into the recovery room.  She was still heavily medicated and very drowsy.  She had told me that the DR told her she had a girl once she had woken up.  She then asked to see the pictures of Charlotte.  Not the way I wanted her to first see Charlotte.  She had the same reaction about the hair!  It took us a very long time to get a room, but we were able to secure a private room and finally got to meet Charlotte in person.  It was about 11pm when they brought Charlotte in.  We stayed with her for a few minutes, but Kari needed to rest and we sent her back down to the nursery.  Kari was quickly sleeping and I went home to get a good night's rest.  

I believe Mr. Roosevelt is right.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A moment to remember

There are moments in life you will never forget and today I had one of those moments. My young son, Ryan, rolled up a news paper and headed to our library to read about the day's news and continue a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. He took his time and when he was ready, the magic happened. With a soft plop and a courtesy flush, Ryan went from being a boy to a man and a tear ran down my face. I am proud of you son.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Time flies when you are pregnant

It has been some time since my last post and boy have we been busy.  As you probably already know, Kari is pregnant with child #2, AKA Cliff, and has a due date of 8/8/2014.  Of course she is not too happy with that due date as she will probably go into labor on her birthday!

Ryan on the other hand is not sure what to think of the baby growing in mommy's belly.  Over the past couple of weeks, he has started to refer to her belly as the baby, but I am almost certain he does not fully understand what that means.

Kari and I have also not fully accepted the new baby.  When we were pregnant with Ryan, we had everything planned out, were constantly talking about names and had his room painted.  The second time around, we are not quite there.  We are not 100% sure where the baby will sleep and are no where near a name.  The funny thing is, it does not seem to bother us too much.  I guess it is true what they say about the 2nd child.

How is Puddles doing you ask?  She is fine.  She is certainly getting older, but doing well.  She does enjoy the daily walk with Ryan to the park and still attempts to chase a squirrel every once in a while.

Winter looks like it is finally coming to an end and that means more time outside!!  We already took a bike trip last weekend when we had one day over 50 degrees.  Hoping for more soon.

From Cliff

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween 2013

It is that time of year again! Halloween!! I must admit that I have focused all of my attention on dressing up Ryan and have not had a good costume for Kari and I in years. I will change that next year, but until then, please enjoy this lovely video of our precious little Ryan!!  

Ryan- possessed from Jim Duffy on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Summer 2013

It has been a very long time since I made my last post. That is because we had such a great summer with Ryan. As we head into October, I realized how much fun we had over the summer. From going camping, to playing in the pool, to riding the bike over to clove lakes to play on the slides. I will miss the summer. So instead of trying to recap the entire summer with a long blog, I put the video below together....enjoy!

2013 Summer Recap from Jim Duffy on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Miss Johnson and the Drunk Baby

Ryan had his eye surgery this past week and Ryan is back on his feet like nothing ever happened. As far as Ryan is concerned, he took a long nap on Tuesday and is back to watching Barney and learning new words. Kari and I can not say the same....

The morning started with my parents meeting us at our house and we would all travel over to the hospital together. My parents showed up at exactly 8:15am, but the day had already had a rocky start. My father's truck had been broken into the night before and all his possessions were removed from the car. This included his wallet, tools and student tests. Since my father was focused on Ryan, he did not have an opportunity to digest the entire situation and was decided to handle the situation once we were home with Ryan later in the afternoon. We'll come back to that car robbery later.

Back to Ryan...As with any hospital experience, waiting is a big part and this was no different. We were scheduled for a 10am surgery and waited a good hour past that before we got things started. That said, Ryan was a champ and was busy playing with his crayons and smiling for us all. He really was a trooper, keep in mind that he had not have anything to eat or drink since 7:00pm the night before. He was even patient enough to keep on the temperature strip they put on his head. I think he just thought that this was a more civil way to take his temperature....the rectal method is so primitive.

From Ryan 2013 03 March

Right when Ryan was starting to lose his patience, the anesthesiologist came in to administer some drugs, aka Magic Juice, to calm him done and start to knock him out. They don't start any IV or mask until they give the magic juice. Ryan put up a little bit of a fight when taking the magic juice, but he was done with it before he could really get upset. I don't know what was in that magic juice, but it was good stuff!! For those that know Ryan, you know that he probably makes one of the best angry faces I have ever seen a baby make (see below).

From Christmas Day 2012

As the magic juice started to kick in, Ryan's angry face slowly went away and a big shit eating grin appeared. Ryan started laughing like I have never seen him laugh before. The entire staff (nurses, doctors, etc) were getting such a kick out of him. They brought him over a balloon and he was swatting for it with a reckless swing of the arm follow by a hearty laugh. Ryan was feeling good. The nurse then took him from me and brought him into the operating room. While Ryan was feeling good, he did manage to give the nurse a look.

While Ryan was in surgery, we grabbed something to eat and my father started to call and cancel his credit cards. After having a quick sandwich, we all returned to the waiting room. Before we could even start to complain about waiting, the doctor came out and explained that everything went well and Ryan was recovering. Kari and I were then able to go into the recovery room. Ryan had a litte IV in his left hand and a few monitors on his chest and arms. I don't think any of those things bothered Ryan, he was out cold and was enjoying his sleep. We waited for about 20 minutes before we started to wake him up. Ryan wanted nothing to do with being awake, he was content with sleeping there all day and let us know it. He tried to open his eyes a little bit, but just wanted to go back to sleep. I picked him up and sat in a wheel chair and was wheeled up to another room where we could dress him and start the discharge process.

After getting him into his clothes and getting some eye drops from the doctor, Ryan was ready to go home. We were escorted down to the car and we were off to take Ryan home. Once home, we put Ryan to bed and set our focus on my father's car.

Apparently while we were at the hospital someone had contacted my father's office claiming to have found his "stuff". My father was given a number to call and that is when we were introduced to Miss Johnson. Miss Johnson had apparently found my father's stuff on some street in all places, Newark, NJ!! We made arrangements to meet Miss Johnson in the parking lot of a McDonalds and got in the car to get his stuff. Long story short, Miss Johnson was a self proclaimed garbage picker that found my fathers ID's, paperwork and a few misc items like CD's, sneaker, etc. Despite the sketchy situation, we were able to retrieve my father's stuff and return safely to find Ryan finally waking up.

Ryan ate all of his dinner and then some extra to make up for the lack of food over the past 18 hours. He then went to sleep with no issues and woke up his normal self. His eyes look great, but will be red for about a month. To reward Ryan for being such a good boy during the surgery, we decided to take him to the Easter Bunny at the mall. He loved it!!!

From Easter Bunny 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Best Friends

Puddles and Ryan are best friends! Ryan does all the leg work and breaks into the pantry and then they share the spoils! In exchange, Puddles lets Ryan climb all over her and play with her toys. They are both way smarter then we give them credit for!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Recap

Had a great Christmas. I put this video together to try and recap all the fun we had!

Duffy Christmas 2012 from JIm Duffy on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012 - Christmas Day

After spending a great day with Lisa and Jason, Kari and I opened our house up for to the Duffy's and Burgess' for the first time. We were a bit nervous about cooking all the food, but no one left hungry. There were plenty of gifts for everyone and Ryan got his second Christmas surprise....Barney!!!

We then moved on to desert. We had cake, apple pie, pecan pie, rice crispy treats, ice cream, etc, etc. It did not end. Of course this did slow down the party a bit, but nothing a nap could not handle. Technically it was only the grandfathers that actually snoozed, we all wanted to.
After a few cups of coffee, we were back on our feet. My mother made some props for our "Photo Booth" and we took a bunch of funny pictures along with a nice family portrait of the Burgess'

Merry Christmas!

Can not wait to next year!

Christmas 2012 - Sunday Before Christmas

Well Christmas is behind us now and what a great Christmas it was. We started with an early Christmas when Lisa and Jason came into my mothers house on Sunday. We then got a visit from Santa and the kids were not into it. We got Ryan to sit on his lap, but not without some tears.

Ryan was enjoying himself with Emily and Alexis and got his first Christmas surprise, a toy truck. We could not take that truck away from him all day!

It was a good day had by all

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Santa Paws 2012

Ryan and Puddles paid a visit to Santa at our Vet's annual Santa Paws event! As expected, Puddles was calm and collected while Ryan gave us a good cry.

From Ryan And Puddles Visit Santa

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dancin Ryan

We know that Ryan loves to dance, but we never thought he would do it to an audience!  My mother had her annual cookie swap with all the ladies and Ryan gave them all a show.  He is proving to be quite the lady's man.